Asynchronous Parallel Greedy Coordinate Descent
Yang You
Univ. Berkeley
Date: 12 Dec. 2016,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 25-26/105
In this work, we propose and study an Asynchronous parallel Greedy
Coordinate Descent (Asy-GCD) algorithm for minimizing a smooth
function with bounded constraints. At each iteration, workers
asynchronously conduct greedy coordinate descent updates on a block of
variables. In the first part of the paper, we analyze the theoretical
behavior of Asy-GCD and prove a linear convergence rate. In the second
part, we develop an efficient kernel SVM solver based on Asy-GCD in
the shared memory multi-core setting. Since our algorithm is fully
asynchronous—each core does not need to idle and wait for the other
cores—the resulting algorithm enjoys good speedup and outperforms
existing multi-core kernel SVM solvers including asynchronous
stochastic coordinate descent and multi-core LIBSVM.
Sparse coding by spiking neural networks:
Convergence theory and computational results
Ping Tak Peter Tang
Intel Corporation
Date: 12 Dec. 2016,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 25-26/105
In a spiking neural network (SNN), individual neurons operate
autonomously and only communicate with other neurons sparingly and
asynchronously via spike signals. These characteristics render a
massively parallel hardware implementation of SNN a potentially
powerful computer, albeit a non von Neumann one. But can one guarantee
that a SNN computer solves some important problems reliably? In this
presentation, I formulate a mathematical model of one SNN that can be
configured for a sparse coding problem for feature extraction. With a
moderate but well-defined assumption, we prove that the SNN indeed
solves sparse coding. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
rigorous result of this kind. This work is done jointly with Intel
colleagues Tsung-han Lin and Mike Davies.
Stream Graphs and Link Streams for the Modeling of Interactions Over Time
Matthieu Latapy
Date: 26 Sep. 2016,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 15-16/309
A semiparametric extension of the stochastic block model for longitudinal networks.
Catherine Matias
Date: 26 Sep. 2016,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 15-16/309
Low rank approximation of a sparse matrix based on
LU factorization with column and row tournament pivoting
Laura Grigori
LJLL, Inria
Date: 13 June, 2016,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 25/26-105
Estimation de la reproductibilité
numérique grâce à l'arithmétique stochastique
Fabienne Jezequel
Date: 13 June, 2016,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 25/26-105
From a nested Monte Carlo for a nested nonlinear problem to the resolution of a large number of small linear systems
Lokhmane Abbas Turki
Date: 11 Avr. 2016,
Time: 10:00,
Room: 25-26/105
Polyhedral building blocks supporting HPC applications
Albert Cohen
Date: 11 Avr. 2016,
Time: 11:00,
Room: 25-26/105
Numerical reproducibility and HPC
Stef Graillat
Date: 15 Feb. 2016,
Time: 10:00,
Room: 25-26/105
FreeFem++, un logiciel de resolution numérique d’équations aux dérives partielles
Frederic Hecht
Date: 15 Feb. 2016,
Time: 11:00,
Room: 25-26/105
Sequential Budgeted Learning Models
Ludovic Denoyer
Date: 23 Nov. 2015,
Time: 10:00,
Room: 25/26-105
Memory in recurrent neural networks
Gilles Wainrib
ENS Paris
Date: 23 Nov. 2015,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 25/26-105
Tensor Methods: A new paradigm for training probabilistic models and
for feature learning
Anima Anandkumar
U.C. Irvine
Date: July 2nd,
Time: 10:00,
Room: 15-16/309
Contrôle optimal : approches numériques, exemples, et méthode des moments
Didier Henrion and Emmanuel Trélat
Date: 11 May 2015,
Time: 10:00-12:00,
Room: 25/26-105
Serialrank: Spectral Ranking using Seriation
Alexandre D'Aspremont
ENS Paris -- CNRS
Date: 9 Mars 2015,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 25-26/105
Apprentissage de représentations pour des données relationnelles sémantiques
Patrick Gallinari
Date: 16 Fev. 2015,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 25-26/101
Some connections between 0-dimensional persistence and clustering
Steve Oudot
INRIA Saclay
Date: 26 Jan 2015,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 25-26/101
Stability and Statistical properties of topological information inferred from metric data
Frederic Chazal
INRIA Saclay
Date: 26 Jan 2015,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 25-26/101
The rank and file of circuits
Nitin Saxena
IIT Kanpur, India
Date: Dec. 8-th, 2014,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 25/26-105
Lower bounds for depth-4 formulas computing iterated matrix product
Hervé Fournier (IMJ, Univ. Paris Diderot)
Date: 8-th Dec. 2014,
Time: ,
Room: 25/26-105
La tau-conjecture réelle : des polynômes creux à la complexité algébrique
Pascal Koiran
Date: 17-th Nov. 2014,
Time: 10:00,
Room: 25/26-105
Vers une règle de Descartes pour les polynômes creux en plusieurs variables
Frederic Bihan
LAMA -- Univ. de Chambery
Date: 17-th Nov. 2014,
Time: 11:00,
Room: 25/26-105
Mise en œuvre efficace de deux niveaux de parallélisme, MPI et OpenMP pour des méthodes FETI
Francois-Xavier Roux
Date: 13 Oct. 2014,
Time: 10:00,
Room: 25/26-101
Parallel sparse direct methods and the MUMPS solver
Jean-Yves L'Excellent
Date: 13 Oct. 2014,
Time: 11:00,
Room: 25/26-101
In situ data processing in massively parallel
numerical simulations: A Necessary approach for Exascale.
Philippe Ricoux
Total SA Dir. Scientifique
Date: Sept. 8-th,
Time: 10h00-11h00,
Room: 15-16/309
Scientific Visualization, Topology and Uncertainty
Julien Tierny
Date: Sept. 8-th,
Time: 11h00-12h00,
Room: 15-16/309
Efficient abstractions for GPGPU programming
Matthias Bourgoin
Date: June 23-rd,
Time: 10:00,
Room: 25-26/105
Computer Algebra for Lattice Path Combinatorics
Alin Bostan
SpecFun, INRIA Saclay
Date: May 19-th,
Time: 10:00,
Room: 25/26-105
Approximations polynomiales simultanées de log et exp
Tanguy Rivoal
CNRS, Univ. Joseph Fourier
Date: May 19-th,
Time: 11:00,
Room: 25/26-105
Filtering based data assimilation with applications in cardiac mechanics
Philippe Moireau
Date: April 28-th,
Time: 10:00,
Room: 25/26-105
Morphologie mathématique sur des treillis complets pour le traitement d'informations imparfaites. Application à l'interprétation d'images et au raisonnement spatial.
Isabelle Bloch
Télécom ParisTech, CNRS LTCI
Date: April 28-th,
Time: 11:00,
Room: 25/26-105
Méthodes hybrides haute performance sur des architectures massivement parallèles
(High performance hybrid methods on massively parallel architectures) Frederic Nataff
Date: March 24-th,
Time: 10:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Fast linear algebra computations using randomized algorithms
Marc Baboulin
University of Paris-Sud and Inria
Date: March 24-th,
Time: 11:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Complexité, algorithmes et optimisation: quelques approches récentes.
Bruno Escoffier
Date: Feb., 24-th 2014,
Time: 10:00-12:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Low Complexity Regularization of Inverse Problems
Gabriel Peyre
CNRS-Université Paris-Dauphine
Date: Dec., 2-nd 2013,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Virgule flottante: la lente convergence vers la rigueur
Jean-Michel Muller
CNRS -- ENS Lyon
Date: Dec., 2-nd 2013,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Cellular tree classifiers
Gérard Biau
Date: Nov., 18-th 2013,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Apprentissage à grande échelle au-dela du gradient stochastique
Beyond stochastic gradient descent for large-scale machine learning Francis Bach
Date: Nov., 18-th 2013,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Primal-Dual method in online algorithms
Nikhil Bansal
Eindhoven University of Technology
Date: Oct., 21-th 2013,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Analysis of Social Networks
Eitan Altman
INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
Date: Oct., 21-th 2013,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Fast weak-KAM integrators for solving Hamilton-Jacobi equations
Erwan Faou
INRIA Bretagne Atlantique
Date: September, 30-th 2013,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Desperately Needed Remedies for the
Undebuggability of Large Floating-Point Computations in Science and
William Kahan
Univ. Berkeley
Date: Sept., 30-th 2013,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Factorisation d'entiers, exponentielles et logarithmes discrets : une introduction.
Jean-Marc Couveignes
Inst. de Maths de Bordeaux
Date: June, 17-th 2013,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Algorithmes de crible pour la factorisation d'entiers et le logarithme discret
Pierrick Gaudry
Date: June, 17-th 2013,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Arrangements de double pseudo-droites
Michel Pocchiola
Date: June, 3-rd 2013,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Beyond Exact Geometric Computation
Chee Yap
Courant Institute
Date: June, 3-rd 2013,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Open-universe probability models: idea, theory, and applications
Stuart Russel
UC Berkeley and LIP6, UPMC
Date: April, 15-th 2013,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Compressed sensing for quantum tomography
Stephen Becker
Date: April, 15-th 2013,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
How to avoid communication in linear algebra and beyond
Laura Grigori
Alpines team, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, LJLL, UPMC, CNRS
Date: 25 March 2013,
Time: 10:00-11:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
Résolution des Systèmes Polynomiaux par les bases de Gröbner.
Jean-Charles Faugere
POLSYS team, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, LIP6, UPMC, CNRS
Date: 25 March 2013,
Time: 11:00-12:00,
Room: 25-26/105 (Grande Salle)
You can contact Yvon Maday or Mohab Safey El Din if you are interested in receiving email announcements of upcoming talks.